Friday, September 17, 2010

Pre- and Post-Workout Meals for High Intensity Weight Training

I love my weight training sessions at Myogenics in West Hollywood.  I work one-on-one with a trainer, Brad, doing exactly 5 machines for 22 minutes. 

Pre-workout meal is heavy on the carbs: a mini Clif bar, nectarine & orange. My regular super-strong coffee with one oz. half-and-half.

1 tsp. pure creatine before and after high-intensity weight training.
Meal - 330 calories: 6g fat, 59g carbs, 9g protein, 9g fiber
Post-workout meal: 3 oz. shrimp fried in a dab of butter, habanero salsa, half a steamed yam, 1/2 cup pinto beans, lots of water.
Yeah, I know: it doesn't look like The French Laundry's version, but it's tasty and filling.
375 calories: 7g fat (the butter); 52g carbs, 26g protein, 12g fiber

Brad, my trainer: after I asked him to take pictures of me working out:
Eats Whatever He Wants